Gainesville Fire exterior

Pricing to Beat Initial Budget

Carroll Daniel provided a concept budget for the station replacement several years before construction started. When the city was ready to begin, our preconstruction team worked aggressively on pricing exercises, reaching a number that was lower than the original budget without sacrificing design. Savings attained during preconstruction and throughout the project enabled the city to add additional access control measures and safety cameras.

Gainesville Fire aerial

Achieving Schedule Despite Weather & Site Delays

The greatest challenge for Station No. 2 was a combined two months of wet weather and the position of the site. The site was located adjacent to a state botanical garden and a heavily trafficked bridge that was undergoing construction. The team carried out erosion control and protection measures to safeguard the nearby state botanical garden and neighbors’ property and coordinated with the bridge contractor to be sure material deliveries were not hindered by the bridge construction. In an additional effort to maintain schedule, Carroll Daniel coordinated with officials for midnight concrete pours to avoid rainfall and expedite the project. Our resilient team finished the project early with zero lost time due to accidents.

Gainesville Fire interior

Ultimate Design & Amenities

Built on a different site than its 1954 predecessor, the new 14,000 SF Station No. 2 includes the latest fire/rescue support amenities:

  • Theater-style dayroom/classroom
  • Commercial kitchen
  • Fitness room
  • Private restroom/shower units
  • Administrative and triage space
  • Turnout gear storage
  • Cleaning facilities
  • Decontamination suite
Carroll Daniel was able to mitigate all the challenges presented during 2020. Crews were tasked with performing the site work during one of the wettest winters on record. They overcame challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, including material shortages and delivery delays, while still delivering the project on schedule and within budget.
Matt Tarver, P.E.
Deputy Director of Engineering and Transportation, City of Gainesville

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